Tuesday, April 28, 2015


The Leonberger is a giant dog breed that looks almost like a lion.  They have beautiful neck flows that may look like a lion’s mane.  In fact, the Leonberger is the oldest purebred German dog, named after Leonberg, Germany.  A local townsman wanted to develop a new breed of dog that resembled a lion.  He crossed a Newfoundland with a Saint Barnard, and then crossed that dog with a Pyrenees mountain dog and then with the Saint Barnard again. 

Is this a lion or a dog?

Leonbergers are friendly dogs that are better at loving people than guarding them.  Traditionally, they were kept as farm dogs that pulled carts and did some draft work.  Some of them are now part of water search and rescue team in Italy and Germany.  They are great swimmers thanks to their webbed feet. 

So heroic!

The Leonberger has a very large body and can weigh as much as 170 pounds.  This is a big dog that can be messy, so apartment living is not recommended.

His name is Simba! Ha ha ha

Their long water resistant double coat sheds heavily and lots of brushing is required.  But they are very smart, trainable, sensitive, and loving. 


As a large dog, the Leonberger has a short lifespan of about eight years.  Some health issues include hip dysplasia, certain cancers and nerve disorders.

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